Prestigious corporate quality with personalized attention
Entertainment and Technology
Bradford has worked on behalf of global entertainment and technology giants like Walt Disney Studios, Hewlett-Packard, Qualcomm and Warner Music Group.
He has structured deals involving nearly every facet of the entertainment business. Bradford will provide you superb counsel for your efforts in mobile, film, video, television, music, games, merchandising, VR and beyond.
Business Development
Bradford has been involved in the launch and growth of many businesses. He specializes in marrying traditional entertainment content (film, television, music) with new media technologies and formats.
He can bring his vast business affairs experience and high level contacts to develop new business revenue opportunities for your growing or mature company.
Clearly defining, anticipating and maximizing the revenue associated with the business opportunity is the key attribute of Bradford’s services.
His training at several of the industry’s global leaders (Disney, Philips, Liberty Media, HP) has provided him a wealth of experience in structuring deals that are profitable for all involved.
The delivery of entertainment today is accomplished with an expanding universe of formats. Bradford has a solid history of advising clients on how to protect their assets in new formats and how to expand their new format business.
Bradford helped launch and define the current era of convergence.
Helping You With Your Legal and Business Affairs Needs.
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